After bringing in the New Year,  Kelly and I headed to Arizona first thing on New Years day in her van. 17 hours later, we pulled into a remote camping spot in the mountains above Tuscon. A beautiful but chilly view when day broke. 32 degrees with a 930 tee time 30 minutes away. A beautiful course with cactus 🌵 all around.
  We drove to Phoenix and met my cousin John and his wife Betty for dinner. Kelly dropped me off at long time friend Rodney's in North Phoenix. Friday we met Kelly for breakfast before she headed to California and then on to Cabo.
   Saturday I met with another long time friend Fels that we went to school with. I headed back to Rodney's and we went and saw the movie Bonhaffer. Sunday we went to Calvary Church and had tacos for lunch.
  Sunday night I met Lulu and her daughter Gina for supper. We were in a Bible study in Illinois for years together. Now they live in AZ.  Rodney and I met Steve for breakfast Monday morning at cracker barrel before I headed to the airport. I met Steve on a missions trip last April when we took Melodys Orphanage to Creel to minister to the indigenous people there.
  Now I'm home and it's chilly here. Highs in the 40s for a few days. I didnt get to visit everyone i know in Phoenix,  but only a few days there made it a sprint not a marathon.