Saturday, Paula, Phil and Marianne and I loaded up the van with 1000 lbs of rice and 1200 lbs of beans and headed for those in need 600 miles south in Mazahua, Mexico. We drove 10 hours and caught up to the Garcia family in Queretaro. They took us to a local food market for supper. We arrived at Jorges church the next morning and caught the end of the service. We unloaded the beans and rice and joined some of the members for lunch, and looked at a potential building project for April.
We then spent the next three days in Puebla, buying food for another ministry. It killed me buying beans and rice when I have tons in the warehouse. But we could only haul so much in the van. Next time, I'm taking a trailer full. Pastor Jose took us downtown for supper, and a walk through the Plaza. Beautiful architecture abounded.
We went to market to buy colourful flower pots to bring home, played a round of golf and started back home. The temperature was in the 70's the whole time, what a nice change from the 100's.
Paula and I celebrated our 20th anniversary while driving home, yippie!!! No really we enjoyed a nice dinner and spent the night in Saltillo, Mexico about 4 hours from home. We arrived in the colonia just before noon, and Jaime and his family brought us lunch to celebrate our anniversary. Such good friends!!!
Thanks to all for the support of the ministry, that makes it possible for us to reach even further into Mexico, feeding the poor.

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