All of you from Moraine Valley Church that were here last month, built a house for Marilee and Alex. It was a great week and Alex accepted Christ as his Savior on dedication day. Well we are pleased to announce the birth of their baby girl, born this week. I met them as we were driving through the colonia today and she is really precious. Mom and Dad are so excited!!! I'm sorry I can't remember her name because I thought they would name her "Martina" after Martin', but that's not it. Anyhow thanks again to a great crew being such a huge blessing to this young family. God provided them a house in His perfect timing, as always. A NEW BABY
The well drilling rig is all set up on the other side of the canal and they should start drilling the NEW well tomorrow or Monday. The NEW well will provide water to all the families on the north side of the canal, across the bridge. The Reynosa water distribution company called Comapa will be able to fill their tankers there as well to supplement the water distribution from the well until all the lines are installed. Wow, God has taken this colonia a long way in the eight years we have been here. Where the Gospel is preached and Jesus Christ is lifted up, the people prosper. Where the Gospel is silenced, the people suffer.
We started building a NEW house today for Alberto , Theresa and their daughter Andrea. Alberto has committed to help us build houses in exchange for a house for his family. He built his own foundation, painted all the wood and along with a few other families that are helping him, they too will be getting houses. That's the way it should work, help others, and then God provides for your needs. Paula and I are are living testimonies of that. Anyhow, we got all four walls up today, even starting at noon. Everyone said they would be back in the morning at 7am to continue building before it gets hot. It was 90 today and very humid. And by everyone, I mean everyone but me. I need to do several things on the U.S. side on Friday. Ie pick up roofing,and some other materials. They know what to do, they don't need me getting in the way. Praise the Lord for all the willing servants God is raising up to help us.
Jorge picked up a load of beans and rice yesterday to be taken to NEW Progresso Mexico to feed the hungry over there. Another Missionary picked up 3000 pounds of beans and rice yesterday as well, and last night the men from Calvary Baptist Church came and bagged up several hundred pounds of beans and rice for the monthly outreach our church holds
The directors of Mexico Missions Phil and Marrianne Chain are here for a week before they head down into Mexico to bless the children with backpacks filled with gifts for teh Day of The Child celebration on April 30th. They are going to a few NEW areas in the mountains where some Pastors have asked for help. Pray for them as they travel in the interior in Mexico, spreading the Gospel to thousands of people.
So much to talk about, I gotta post more often, but there's so much going on. If anyone wants to come and build houses with us, come on. We've got the funds to BUILD BUILD BUILD, because God is GOOD, GOOD GOOD!!!
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