Jesus grew in wisdom, and stature, and favor with God and man. Why would Jesus need to grow in these areas? Wouldn't He already have all these things?  I would dare to say that in His humanity, as in ours, we need to acquire this.
  Why do I need to acquire wisdom? Because I have been so stupid!!! Stature is something I don't seek, but it just comes as we discover our purpose. Favor, oh yes, favor, with God and man. A walk of faith for provision for the ministry requires favor from both.
  Last week we doubled our food purchases to feed more people. A step of faith.  We also bought enough roofing materials to cover the 100 foot long, 50 foot wide shelter at Senda De Vida home for the wandering migrants in Reynosa,  another instruction that God gave me. Obedience is better than sacrifice. I brought the $3000 in cash to pay for the materials. Before the day was over, donations in the amount of $3000 was pledged to pay for it all. Favor! With God and man. Now I'm looking for a new opportunities to sow into. LUKE 6 vs 38. Give, and it will be given to you. Pressed down running over, for in the measure you give, it will be given to you.
  Hallelujah for the truth of God's promises!

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