The process of choosing the families to receive, in most cases, the biggest blessing of their lives has brought us to several families this month. With the funding to build four homes, thanks to a matching fund grant from our church in Mcallen, Calvary Baptist, four families lives will experience and explosion of Gods' Favor this Christmas Season. The first family is Florencio, his wife Angelina and their two kids Isreal and Joan. The second family is Arturo, Carla and their daughter Adi. We will start the foundations this week and when the  team, howbeit very small, comes from Chgo Christmas Day we will build one. We planned on building only one house at Christmas, but when a friend from our church here donated money to build another, I put in the application for matching funds from our church and Gods Goodness exploded. God is in the business of explosive blessings, and we have seen our share lately. Another gift came in from some friends in Chicago and we bought dozens of dolls and soccer balls to be given out on December 29th. Another man from our church here, gave me a thousand dollars toward the transportation of the 22 thousand pounds of pinto beans, grown in South Dakota. I only need $1500.00 more and the beans are ours to give away. Favor just seems to surround all of our efforts to help the poor. Another man dropped off 15 bags full of coats and sweaters. The youth group from 1st Baptist Church came again last night and bagged up beans, rice and corn to carry us through two months of distribution. It's almost crazy, as we try to get all this stuff across the border before Christmas. Well we gotta go fill the van and head south. Thanks for all of your prayers and donations.

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