Last week Paula and I hooked up the 5th wheel and headed 8 hours north to join the Carpenters Crew in Rosebud Texas. Beloved and Beyond is a ministry that holds week long camp for children and adults with disabilities. We built a 90 foot by 16 foot deck off the back of the dining hall, and a 60 foot wheel chair ramp up to the deck. We worked hard, but it was such a joyful experience, knowing that it will serve those that come.
   Last Saturday we held our monthly food outreach and Alan and Lynnea joined us for a few days, along with a team from Bastrop Christian Church in Texas on Saturday. A great worship time, word by Jaime, and food despensa.  
  We brought lunch to Melodys Orphanage after the outreach. Delicious fajitas! Alan and Lynnea haven't been here since they had children,  but helped in the building process years ago. 
   I'm still working on getting our paperwork done for last year's taxes. I'm such a procrastinator. I'm in December,  so almost done. 🤪  I took three pallets of beans that will make its way across the border to supply a huge food outreach to all the immigrants in Reynosa.