Last week as the water supply in the colonia dwindled and the temps continue in the low 100's Mimi, Caleb, Becky and Rosita were able to cool off for a few minutes in a few gallons of water which were recycled back into thier 5 gallon buckets to be used to do laundry later on. They sure had fun and we all enjoyed watching them splash about in the little pool. Kids don't know that there is life outside the colonia and quite frankly I don't think they care, they are always smiling and having fun with each other. They have that child like faith that Jesus talks about so often that give them Joy. On Saturday many people from the colonia came to experience Gods care and provision for them as we gave out beans, rice, cooking oil, sugar and laundry soap to everyone that came. This months provisions were provided by Moraine Valley Church in Palos Heights Illinois. They have a fund specifically for helping those in need in their own body but were prompted by the Holy Spirit to reach out beyond their own walls to help their brothers and sisters in Mx. Where will the $ 1500.00 come from it takes to feed everyone twice a month? I don't know but God does. If He led us to do this, then I'm not going to worry about how, but I do know that over $3oo.oo has come from our Sunday school class. Pastor Victor stood on a chair so everyone could hear him as he gave a message about trusting God. We also gave out school supplies and backpacks to the kids along with a bottle of juice. Some families walk over two miles to come twice a month. We had several people come forward for prayer and our friends from Sunday school, Bobby, Mona and Cindy led them to Gods Throne to ask for healing of different things. One women brought her 1 month old baby that was born with defective feet and we are seeking God on what we could do to help. Jesus still sees the multitudes and has compassion on them and we are honored to be in His service here to be his hands and feet to a lost and dying world.

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