It's so hard to live where we live, and go to the colonia every day in Mexico without God showing you a huge need, and then challanging us to be the answer to thier prayer. Lets face it, Paula and I are the richest people in the colonia, and with that comes great responsibility. So we met a family that is new to the colonia Victor, his wife Estrella, and thier four children from Vera Cruz.Mx.and all they have is some bags of clothes. Pastor Victor asked me if we could take my truck and move thier stuff into a house that is vacant. There was nothing but garbage in the house so as Victor, the new resident, started cleaning the house out, I had Carmelo order a few beds to be delivered and Paula started gathering things to furnish thier new house. When the beds arrived and all the things Paula had put together, Victor took a few moments and cried as we carried everything into the house. Beds, a stove and propane tank, dishes, clothes, food, a table and chairs, sheets, blankets, pillows, toys and dolls for the kids. One hour they had nothing and the next hour, they had everything they needed. HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD !!!!! The gifts we recieve are simply a way God uses to meet the needs of people that come across our path every day.THANK YOU FOR GIVING TO THE LORD. Watch for God to bring a need across your path today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Bruce and Paula-
It's been a year since I was down your way in Mexico - yet I can still see the happiness and joy in those lives. We pray for and support the missions there.
Hal and Kay (Emily Seppala's folks)