As we prepare to head back home, we know that when our feet hit the ground, there is going to be much to do. The flood waters from the Rio Grande' River have left its banks and displaced hundreds, if not thousands of families. The colonia where we have built scores of homes in is dry, but on the other side of the canal where we built several homes after hurricane Dolly in 2008, are covered in six feet of water. After Hurrican Dolly we built the houses up four feet higher, but even that was no match for Hurrican Alexs' 12 inches of rain, followed by Tropical Storm #2s' additional 12 inches of rain. We are collecting tents for the families to live in, so if you have one, ship it to us! We know that the colonia we built in with Roland for several years, is also flooded and the families are living on the levy, while they watch everything they own become victims of the flood waters. W are hoping for a renewed partnership with them for the aid that will be needed for our friends there. Pastor Victors brothers house and church are under water also. Pray that the flood waters will recede and the houses built from wood will be salvagable.

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