We prayed before the men started digging a hand well in front of our house, that they would find clean water and that there would be no rocks to hinder the process. God answered both prayers and by the end of the day, we had stuck water. The men dug twenty two feet down with a hand auger and sections of pipe attached as they dug deeper. We finished the well off with 8 inch pipe and filter gravel and pumped out the muddy water, which blocked the electric pump, so we have to draw the water by hand until it clears up. Jesus met a women at a well and as a result, she received LIVING WATER that lasts for all eternity never to thirst again. We pray this temporal water will help the families around us to meet some washing needs. We have been traveling around Reynosa and Rio Bravo flea markets, buying up all the bikes we can find to meet a huge need for men needing them to go to find work and those that have jobs but have to walk great distances to get there. A generous donation from a family in La Harpe Illinois has made it possible to touch a lot of peoples lives with used bikes. There are several kids bikes as well and they will be given out on the 30th of April as we celebrate the Day of the Child. We also bought several fishing poles and tackle to give to those fishermen using Coke bottles and string to fish for thier daily food. The beans and rice in the warehouse are going fast as many Pastors from Mexico have heard about our ministry of giving food and clothes. We are praying about God providing more beans and rice to meet growing demands from the Pastors as well the needs we meet ourselves in the colonia. I figure when we give out all we have, God will fill the warehouse up again!!! THANKS FOR THE PRAYER AND FINANCIAL SUPPORT, WE ARE ALL PART OF WHAT GOD IS DOING HERE.

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