Last Saturday was Dianas Quincinera held at Pastor Proconos church. After the service was a fiesta at thier house in the colonia. Sunday I went back to the colonia to lyllend a hand welding the water tower together before Scott and Tom headed back to Austin. Wes and Ruben did the welding as Carmelo and I just held the sides up until welds could be made. Steel is very expensive in Mx. we spent over two thousand dollars on the steel alone to build the tower and next week we'll get the huge water storage tank and weld a strap to hold it on the tower so we can stand it all up at once with a crane. Thanks to all of you that helped fund this awesome project that will bless many families for many years. Jesus started by challenging us to give a cup of cold water in His Name, but we can and should do much more than the minimum that God asks of our lives. One cup is the starting point for everyone to DO something. Radical lives go far beyond the minimum, so again, we have to thank our partners for living radically before the King.

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