As we circled the kitchen to pray,we extended around the entire floor with our friends from Chicago. The Ruiz, Simeon and LeMay families surrendered a week of their lives to help the poor in Reynosa. As you can see in the photos, they built a beautiful home for the Reyes family and the dedication day was a tearful, heart changing experience to say the least. Having had a chef on hand all week, made the dedication meal the best ever. Thanks to Trophy and his heart to cook all week and Chase for the delicious meat. We gave out gifts to the kids after the dedication and the Chicago team had plenty of water balloons and a three person sling shot to launch them down the dusty road in the colonia. Hearts were changed forever as the team portrayed the life of Christ to the poor and to Paula and I as we watched these godly families live and serve together. Each family has a goal of inviting and bringing more families next year as they share their experience this past week back in Chicago. Our cats sure miss the attention the kids gave them all week, they almost forgot how to walk. Today we gave out food to about 150 families and shared the word of God from 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 about being reconciled to God through Jesus Christ. Another great week in the life of Bruce and Paula. Please pray for a friends father that had a heart attack, some of you may know Lisa Kincaid, another missionary family here in Texas and her Father is in the Chicago area, and she is there with family.

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