The bible says that perilous times will come towards the end of life as we know it. I'm kinda of the in the camp of God is shaking the Nations. Not one or two, but all nations are feeling the backlash of the Corona virus. 
  As I type this, the US Mexican border is preparing to close, both North and South to non essential travel. We are home in the US, and our monthly food outreach is tomorrow morning.  Andres and His wife will either hold it as scheduled or postpone it. The call is theirs. A few weeks ago, we crossed several thousand pounds of black beans and rice. God knew this virus was coming and we prepped without knowing the extent of the virus. We also bought enough oil, sugar and flour to supply 150 families.
  We're so thankful for the ability to provide all this food to so many. The demand on this side of the border is bigger than ever. We had only 25 bags of rice left when Power ministrie Louis Davenport showed up with 200 bags of rice. God's timing is perfect everytime! Speaking of Power Ministry,  they were supposed to be finishing up their 3rd week of ministry this week with 80 men, but they wisely cancelled their trip.
  I had oral surgery last week,  and eye two eye injections this week, and went to my cardiologist ( all is well),so I haven't gone to Mexico as much as Paula. Her quilting class is still cranking out the quilts.
  Facetimmingwith the kids is more frequent, trying to get things done around the house, way to much time on social media, trying to spend more time in the Word, and prayer, trying to find toilet paper, kidding, I'm a prepper and have had plenty for years.
  Trusting you all stay calm, and free of fear. God did not give us that Spirit. The hand crank bike we're given to Melodys Orphanage and we took them across. He has given them to people with missing legs.


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