We have had a great and glorious time in Chicago the last several days. We have seen many friends and eaten many meals and need to get back to work to loose some lbs. We picked up the truck that was generously donated to us and it runs fantastic. We spent a few days in Galena and got a few rounds of golf in. We spent Kristins birthday with Kelly Ryan and his family cruising the chgo river from the comfort of a beautiful boat, enjoying the spectacular skyline and the fellowship of family. We know we have to head home, but we sure enjoy seeing everyone and I know we didn't connect with everyone we wanted to, and we are sorry for that, so you'll have to come and see us.Please pray for us as we travel and get back to the work God has for us back in Mx. We have three houses to build when we return. ADIOS

1 comment:

SpikeyWL said...

We'll miss you guys! It was great to see you both up here in Chicago. Thanks for leaving us the cold weather...

PS> I still haven't figured out what golf smells like! :)