Yesterday we had long day, moving most of our stuff into the new digs and already we have been blessed by visiting Pastors coming to get much needed food and clothes for their congregations in Mexico. It sure is hard to move from a 4 bedroom house into a two bedroom. I got a call today from the director of Sons Of Salvations brother about the 5000 lbs of beans he is donating, and low and behold, the 5000lbs is now 30,000. It has been cleaned and bagged in 600- 50 lb bags. I have spoken to a few trucking companies and we are trusting God for free transportation. Saturday Carmelos Dad Pedro and his niece Rosita accepted Christ as their Savior. What a rich time it was as we dedicated Beto and Lucys new kitchen/ house as Paula shared about Christs Love for them and how He has provided for them. Pedro saw our good works and glorified our Father in heaven. Pray for them as they travel 22 hours on a bus back home. We have had about $7000.00 donated since Christmas toward the new ministry center, so only $178,000.00 to go!

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