With all the preparations that go into an outreach to over twenty thousand people, the ministries that put together the Celebrate Jesus Festival at the Mercedes Livestock Showgrounds last Saturday was awesome. Paula and I stopped by for a few hours and saw thousands of people coming for all the free clothes, food, and prizes given out in the Name of Jesus. At the top of every hour, the shofars were blown as a call to preach the gospel to everyone within ear shot of your voice. Hundreds if not thousands of people answered the call to receive the free gift of salvation. Bob, Linda, Mike and Kathy stayed at our house for a few nights and handed out free drinks and gospel tracts at the event. People left the grounds with boxes full of food and clothes. By the time we arrived at the colonia in Mexico, First Baptist Church of Mcallen was already busy dishing out food and drinks to everyone in the colonia. 300 pounds of chicken had been grilled, and mashed potatoes, corn and green beans were served up as well. Pontaleon and the worship team from His church played worship songs as the endless line of people came through. Pastor Shannon gave a message before the meal. It's a real blessing to see Roy and Rebeccas Church come to Mexico and be a blessing to the people in the colonia. We took delivery of the wood for a house to be built this week, and the family will start painting it today.

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