I've asked the question before. How much is a human soul worth? Better than that, how much is two souls worth? The Carpenters Crew built the house in three days, but it has taken the Holy Spirit years of preparing the hearts of Jesus and Ortencia to receive the greatest gift of all, namely Jesus Christ as their Savior. Both of them are well along in years and God had been preparing them for such a time as this. When we finished building the house, the time had come for the ultimate question. Are you ready to profess faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior? Are you willing to place all your sins upon Him and receive His righteousness as a free gift? They both had the same answer--- YES! So the answer to the question of how much is a soul worth, is WHATEVER IT TAKES! 21 people driving 1300 hundred miles, spending hundreds if not thousands of dollars to come and build this simple little house for a family none of them even knew, sacrificing their vacation time and hard earned money to bring Glory to God by reaching out and providing a tool for the Spirit of God to use as a means to soften their hard hearts and humble themselves before strangers and pray a prayer to receive eternal life through Jesus Christ. How wonderful, how marvelous are the ways God reaches people. I watched as their faces actually changed, as the Light of the World filled their hearts.

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