Yesterday while I was building some stairs to place down the bank to the canal, I was cutting some wood and got a splinter in my eye. Usually you can get these things out, but this one is like a little projectile and has stuck into the eye ball somewhere. I am heading to an eye doctor as Paula handles the food outreach in Mx. I am going to miss seeing everyone( literally today). I always enjoy shaking as many hands as they wait in line, and also praying for the sick and those that have a need or prayer request. Roy and Johnny are going to be there to recruit people to attend the trade school. Gasoline is the biggest expense for the trade school right now, running the generator and welder is consuming 100 dollars of gas  or more a week. Donations for trade school operation are always welcome. We got one section 10 foot section of stairs installed and need another 16 feet to reach the waters edge. We were always slipping and sliding down the bank to carry the pump and hoses to the water to get water for the bathrooms and storage tanks. So after the team from Chicago made stairs for the two families we built houses for that were 10 feet below the road, it finally dawned on me to do the same at our house, DUH! The new two stall bathroom should be done next week. A couple of people came looking for a bed and a crib for their baby, and lent a hand mixing concrete for the day. I try to find something for people to help us with when they ask us for things. I don't mind providing what they need, because that's why were assigned there, but it's good to have them invest in what they want. When you get involved in what God is doing, He'll get involved in what your doing and needing. Be blessed to day and go and be a blessing to someone else.

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